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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Sophia lost 163 pounds | Black Weight Loss Success

Transformation of the Day: Sophia lost 163 pounds naturally. She wanted to ensure that she would be healthy for years to comeand have a better quality of life. By working out consistently at home and joining Weight Watchers, she was able to totally transform her lifestyle. 

Sophia before and after weight loss

Social Media:
@goaldrivenwoman on Instagram and TikTok.  

I have lost over 160 pounds naturally, without medication, bariatric surgery, or major cutback/fad diets.  

What was your motivation?
My reason for starting my weight loss (or healthy lifestyle journey, as I like to call it) was that I wanted an overall better quality of life. I was tired of my weight and size, getting in the way of doing things that I wanted to do, experience and enjoy in life. For example, I hadn’t ridden a rollercoaster since I was 12 and in the 7th grade. The reason wasn’t that I lacked the desire, but rather I couldn’t fit in the seat.

I took my son to Sky Zone one year for his birthday. He wanted me to jump with him, but at the time, they told me they had a safety weight limit of 300 pounds; I was over that. I had also been on an airplane to visit one of my best friends in Los Angeles, California. It was one of my first times flying. I had to embarrassingly ask for a seatbelt extender and hoped nobody sitting next to me was annoyed by me intruding upon part of their seat. Then, lastly, one of my first cousins died of a heart attack at only 31 years old; that was my wake-up call to focus more on my overall health and quality of life.  

What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
When I had to take care of my father for about four months after he became sick during COVID and had his leg amputated, it dawned on me that one day, my children may have to take care of me. I realized that the decisions I make now will impact what that “burden” may look like when I get older and need them to care for me. I wanted to lighten that responsibility as much as I could with things within my control now.  

I keep reminding myself that I am the only one standing in the way of my success and failure; of progress and backsliding. If I want change, truly, I have to be that change! I can’t give up because that would be the selfish thing to do. Plus, I was tired of excuses. Something had to change, and that was me!

How did you change your eating habits?
I started my journey in 2018 by drinking more water, cutting back on junk food, and working out. I only lost about 45 pounds or so that way. So in January 2023, I signed up for Weight Watchers under a free 3-month trial and THAT was a game changer!  

I lost about 116+ pounds with WW because they taught me how to completely look at food differently, how to prepare food in a healthier way, and that there were better options; those zero-point options that I actually love!

In the past, I just ate the wrong combinations of foods. I now eat more lean poultry, plenty of fish, vegetables, beans, and fruit. I completely cut out beef last year. It just wasn’t worth the stomach/digestive issues (and extra WW points, lol). I also generally eat more high-fiber carbs, but Honey still enjoys her carbs!  I just make sure my plate is full more with the lean poultry/fish and veggies more than the carbs. I didn’t have to cut everything out with Weight Watchers, but I slowly started desiring the “fun” stuff less and less. I actually don’t drink much wine/alcohol, but I enjoy a cocktail every now and then. I just don’t overindulge.  

How often did you work out?
I started with doing Zumba workouts with a DVD a coworker gave me. Then, I found some dance workouts on YouTube by Jessica Bass James that I really enjoyed, so I started following her.  

What is your workout routine?
I walk every morning for 3 miles with 5 pound hand weights. I will also do a 45-minute to an hour workout with Dance2Fit w/Jessica Bass app 5 or 6 times/week. That is either a HIIT workout, kickboxing, step aerobics, dance, fierce fitness, or Step w/Ty (an older HIIT video). I do whatever I am in the mood for, especially if I miss a livestream since all of her workouts are recorded and added to the app. I love that flexibility and convenience, by the way.  It allows me to still get my workouts in even if I have to do so at the football field while my son is at practice or in the parking lot while my daughter is in a Girl Scout meeting.  

What was your starting weight?
362 pounds in 2018 (my highest weight)

What is your current weight?
199 pounds

What is your height?

When did you start your journey?

How long did your transformation take?
It took me a while (6 years) because I plateaued in 2020 with a total weight loss of 40-45 pounds. I had also regained some of the weight I’d lost due to a very unhealthy marriage and divorce in 2019-early 2020; the stress of it all took its toll.  But once I added Weight Watchers in Jan 2023 and increased my workouts to 5 times per week, I lost the remaining 116+ lbs to bring me to where I am today!   

It took me about 18 months to lose the 116+ pounds. I have been maintaining it since July, but I’ve been losing inches or a pound or two here or there over the last few months.  

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
Prioritize your overall health. My relationship with God also kept me motivated and on track because when I felt urges and temptations to eat something bad, I prayed to him for strength. I often got through and over those temptations by His Grace! 

I also have learned to do some intermittent fasting when I hit plateaus; that has helped me get over slowdowns along my journey of losing weight. I learned my “bad snacking triggers” too, and now I know to limit those. My main one was watching TV, so now I do that a lot less than I used to. I will limit myself to maybe an hour or two of sitting through TV watching. I find other fun or productive things to do, like going to Launch, an indoor trampoline park, with my kids, going for a bike ride, etc. 

What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
You have to decide that you truly wish to change and remind yourself daily of your reason WHY! Your reason and desire to lose weight and be healthier have to be stronger than your urge to choose unhealthy foods or not exercise. You have to work on your mental, emotional, and spiritual health as well; it is all connected.  

Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
I have not used surgery; only Weight Watchers (eating better) and exercise. However, I am scheduled to have my excess skin removed in January. I just have to get my funds together, but I am looking forward to it. After all, it took my entire lifetime to carry all this weight so there is NO elasticity/snatch back in this skin. The only way to get rid of it is with surgery. I have literally been plus-size since I was a kid; always the thick, chubby girl.

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